The Salty News — stress

Rebecca Farthing
Calm Your Farm! How Magnesium Can Help You Find Your Calm

Calm Your Farm! How Magnesium Can Help You Find Your Calm

The juggle can be real. Days filled with spinning numerous plates in the air at once, leaving you wired and stressed by the end of the day. You crave a moment! A chance to silence the mental chatter and simply be. But where do you even begin to find calm amidst the chaos? Enter magnesium, a superhero mineral that might just be the missing piece in self-care arsenal. Often overlooked, magnesium plays a crucial role in promoting relaxation and easing anxiety. Let's explore how this magic mineral can help you calm your farm: Magnesium: The Calming Conductor Imagine your nervous system...

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Rebecca Farthing
The 5 most common deficiencies!

The 5 most common deficiencies!

Even in the western world with all our health and technological advances, we still fall prey to a few simple nutritional insufficiencies. While they are common and it’s easy to understand how they happen - you should know the symptoms so you can spot them too! Today we’ll chat about the five most common ones health practitioners see and where to find them in food. We won’t go over magnesium deficiency because we talked about that in this blog.  Iron I would argue that this is the most common among young women today. The growing popularity of vegan and vegetarian...

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Rebecca Farthing
Magnesium for Anxiety

Magnesium for Anxiety

We talk about magnesium all the time here at Wild Flora Dispensary, but that’s just because magnesium is used in more than 300 pathways in the body. One of those pathways helps to modulate the stress response through the HPA axis. If you read our previous blog, you’ll know that it is estimated a lot of us are deficient in magnesium. Stress and anxiety are a presentation of the stress response being triggered; a sign your body does not feel safe. This could be from any number of external factors, such as environment, certain people you encounter, past trauma. As...

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Shilpa Goel
Magnesium- Why it is the Best Skin and Muscle Tension Fighting Mineral

Magnesium- Why it is the Best Skin and Muscle Tension Fighting Mineral

Optimizing your magnesium levels can have positive effects on many aspects of your body, particularly your muscles and skin.  Understanding how magnesium, your neuromuscular system and your skin are all intertwined is pivotal to your health.

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